Saturday, November 29, 2014

What is causing the UK’s high levels of air pollution?

Central and southern of England and part of Wales high levels of air pollution could be linked to the easterly winds which bring dust and pollutants from Europe and Sahara.

According to Defra research, the dust from Sahara blown up to the atmosphere and without any interference of low pressure caused by storms perfectly can reach the England territory before blow over. A bright white sky and yellowy sunsets are signals of high levels of air pollution, these are effects on sunlight.

People with lung problems and heart disease may avoid stay outside until the England air clears said officials entities. That could take 2 days. If some people are not affected by high levels of air pollution others with asthma, lung problems and heart disease could feel increased their symptoms. The high levels of air pollution can affect the north-west coast of England, south-west Scotland and the north-east of Northern Ireland. The numbers said that one of fifty heart attacks is attributing to air pollution in London.


Lastly, in addition to usually city’s pollutants emissions other aspects that contribute to the high levels of air pollution in England are the light winds which carried pollutants from Europe territories.

In England the air pollution affect drastically to the population due to their geographic position. The wind helps to carry the pollutants emitted by other territories in world. This is a natural phenomenon and we can’t avoid it. This is happening around the world, England is not the only affected territory. This is a global issue which cannot be resolve if we don’t try to do our bit to avoid it.


Sample, Ian. April 2 2014. 11.41 BST. What is causing the UK’s high levels of air pollution?. The Guardian, UK. Taken from

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