Saturday, November 29, 2014

Pollution from Asia makes Pacific storms stronger

PHOTO: Benjamin Schedler

A new study says that air pollution has worst effects on climate today and causing stronger storms from the Pacific to United States. Renyi Zhang is a professor of atmospheric sciences at Texas A&M University in College Station who says that air pollution is causing stronger cyclones, more precipitation and a faster movement of heat from the tropics to the North Pole. The main reason is that pollutants emitted by coal-fired power plants added to the natural pollutants like salt and dust airborne trap the sunlight and remains on the atmosphere increasing the global heat and contributing to the climate phenomenon like “el niño” and “la niña”.

The software simulations pretend evaluate the current atmospheric conditions and the research confirmed that human-made pollutants are now spreading across the Pacific. Another effect in climate of the air pollution is the form of ice in highest clouds; the storms turn vigorous and carry too much water on it.

The Pacific storms have an alarming effect on America’s weather and in long-term conditions will cause floods and droughts. The changes in North America’s climate require more researches to know what else is causing the problem.


The research around air pollution effects goes deeper each time. The scientists in this article are simulating the conditions of the atmosphere to have an idea of future climate changes. The reason of the studies is prevent future natural disasters.

Although we know maybe it is not too natural, the air pollution is helping to the strongest storms and terrible phenomenon like “el niño” every year. The global heat is another problem which is added to the consequences in the atmosphere. The North Pole is receiving too much damage from this environmental issue and the results could be irreversible.
Howard, Brian C. April 14 2014. Pollution from Asia makes Pacific storms stronger. NatGeo News. Taken from

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